McCoys Creek Fest Engages Community in Creek Restoration


What started as a cloudy November day became a sunny picturesque Saturday along McCoys Creek as Groundwork Jacksonville hosted the McCoys Creek Fest on November 10, between King and Stockton Streets. The free family event drew more than 150 residents and nearby business owners who learned about the history, ecology and plans for restoring McCoys Creek, while enjoying music, lunch and family activities.

The primary goal of the event was to engage the community in conversations about design alternatives and to better understand how residents currently, and/or would like to interact with the creek. Guests were asked to prioritize the amenities, access and green space they want to see included in the plan, like fitness stations, kayak launches, restrooms and fishing docks among other options.

The community’s feedback collected during Creek Fest, along with input garnered from Groundwork’s ongoing community outreach with churches, residents and businesses impacted by McCoys Creek, will be incorporated into the final plans presented to the City.

Special thanks to the following for their support of the event: Coca Cola Florida, creek experts Wood and SCAPE, Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens W.I.L.D. Program, FSCJ Professors Dana Logan and Tim Gilmore, McCoys- area history buff Roy Brown,  St. Johns Riverkeeper, Real Moves Martial Arts and Fitness Academy, Yoga 4 Change, Bonos Barbeque, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, City of Jacksonville Parks and Public Works departments, North Riverside Community Development,  Brooklyn Community Association, AmeriCorps, SPAR, Jacksonville Party Company and Acme Barricades.